Friday, September 2, 2016

Summer 2016 (Part one)

Well.....we are still alive and well!  Summer has been crazy fun, and crazy busy.  I'm so excited to be back to the blogging life.  September means Fall no matter what, right?  #EnoughWithThese90DegreeDays. I hope your coffee is full :) Here is a look at our awesome summer (6/1-7/15):
One of our first fun summer things was taking Kaylee to these fountains with my mom.  She was timid for the first couple minutes, but then we literally had to drag her away from them.  I think it's a perfect summer kick off :)
Lots of zoo trips with these two:)
We had a girls' trip to Virginia in May.  Remember when the weather wasn't too hot to sit outside!?!  We are getting back to that.  These littles have so many special memories already, and I love that they are getting to grow up together!
Almost every weekend this summer we had at least one boat day!  We would drive down to a spot to anchor and on the way Kaylee would play and have snacks.  We'd do lunch and swim, and then this is usually how the way back went :)
We had lots of pool afternoons, too!  This was our first day at the pool, and I know that because I had Kaylee in a full out life jacket haha....for the baby pool.  She did swim lessons and quickly didn't need anything in the baby pool and just a puddle jumper in the big pool.  
We got to spend a couple days a week with this girl!  These two had so much fun this summer.  We did park trips, lunch trips, and lots and lots of playing :)
We had a pretty healthy summer!  I remember someone feeling a little under the weather and this happening.  #GiveMeAllTheCuddles
We spent lots of time at my parents, and they are in walking distance to some of our favorite ones with donuts and ice cream :)
We could also walk to this park, and it's a FAVORITE!  I love this picture of Kaylee exploring.   
Kaylee and I get out with "GiGi" about once a week :)  Here we are at one of our favorite pizza spots!
Date nights!!! We've had a few this summer, and they're always fun with this guy.
We brought T Grandma out on the boat, and she loved it!  
Wagon rides with my favorites!  Kaylee requested her helmet :)
Lots of snuggles with Grandma.  We spend most Wednesdays together running errands and doing lunch.  
These.two.  Don't they look like twins!?
We had a fun fourth, and it started with going to the parade.  Kaylee loved it, and I think it'll be a new tradition of ours:)
Pop took off work, so we hit the zoo with him one day.  
THIS MOMENT HAPPENED.  Kaylee loves "paint nails"
Pirate game with all of the Griffins was HOT and fun!  
 Celebrating Uncle Ryan's birthday!  This is right when Pokemon Go came out, so we cracked up watching all of these people roam the streets while we ate dinner.
 Grandma's sprinkler was a hit this summer!
More fun park times.  The more we go, the more Kaylee seems like a BIG kid.

I think I missed a couple girls nights, family nights, etc.  These were some of the highlights of the first part of our summer.  Check back next week for the second half :)

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