Sunday, December 31, 2017

Griffin--WAYYYY overdue!

LIFE IS CRAZY!!! Here's a little five in one of baby griff.  

5 months

Soooo I took the pictures but forgot to right the post about sweet Griffy being 5 months. I'm not sure that too much has changed. He's still just the sweetest, most chill baby ever !! We crack up when we are out we can always forget he's there. He's so smiley, and he's starting to really reach for me when he sees me. He's loved all of his foods so far (carrots, sweet potatoes, avocado, banana, peas, and still loves his bottle. He's good in the car, likes walks in his stroller, and is just so go with the flow! He's still not sleeping well, womp womp. I do lay him down awake about 630 or so and he falls asleep but he's up at least two times after, which would be totally fine with me if he would go right back to sleep afterward #InsertEyeRollHere. I sure do Love you sweet boy!!!

6 months
Siting up!!! This big boy is sitting up and looks like he is so close to crawling.  He's up a couple times a night, sigh, but he's just the best.  My love for this little guy grows He's happy, he goes with the flow whether we're on a walk, in the car, out shopping, whatever!

7 months
Someone's first word was "MaMa" and it made his mama SO happy (: !!  He's moving all over the place, up 1-3ish times per night, and is just such a happy and chill baby.  He likes his paci, doesn't mind the car seat,a nd is pretty easy to get to sleep. He's loving to eat pretty much everything that we do!

8 months
Griffin moves, pulls, up and is on the go!  He's eating everything that we eat, and he loves just about everything.  He loves car rids, walks, and just hanging.  His favorite thing is a "ball" which he tries to say, and loves to pick one out from a group of toys.  He's interacting with Kaylee so much well, and even has some nights where he sleeps through.  Dada, Mama, Baba, and Ba are his favorite babbles!

9 months
Griffin is so smiley, and happy...unless he is sick!  He has six teeth right now and a constant cold for this past month, which he does not love.  He's doing the steps, and is loving to move all around, so the baby gate is our BFF!  He is BIG and wearing 18-24 month. He just had his check up and is in the greater than 99th percentile for height, 96 for weight, and 93 for head.  He is BIG.  He loves to climb the steps and explore anywhere that he can.  He's good in the car, loves a good shopping cart, and is so interested in Kaylee now.  It's so fun to see him light up around his people.  He's an early to bed early to rise kind of guy too...

I have lots of pics I'm going to add to a separate post!

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