Thursday, September 8, 2016

Summer 2016 (Part two)

I didn't realize that part two would be this long, but I'm so glad it is :).  I love looking through these summer memories!  Here we go:
If someone said, "Choose one picture to define your summer" this would be it!  This girl lived.the.dream.

Because what's summer without cuddles..
...and sprinklers.

We had a Pittsburgh girls' trip filled with Chuck E Cheese, boating, and shopping.  It's always chaotic and perfect :)
My Favorite!
We went to a wedding that my brother dj'd, so Gerald was trying out some of the equipment.
More wedding fun.

We had our annual Griffin Open (family reunion), and Kaylee played SO HARD with her two favorites.

We had a family trip to Idlewild which may have been my favorite thing this summer! We went to my in-law's camp first and got set up, headed to Idlwild for the day, then stayed there.  Kaylee's two favorite things were meeting Daniel Tiger, and she rode the two above water slides about 409384209 times and LOVED it.  She was by far the youngest and we would crack up at her doing flips and turning every which way on her way down.  This girl is fearless. #PrayForMe
Another big change....the big girl bed!  The first week was a little rough with it.  She slept through the night fine, but wanted TONS of stories and prayers.  I always wanted to make a point to leave while she's awake, and she's doing great with it now.
Some of our favorite people came to visit this summer, and Kaylee loved every second of playing with David and Kelsey, the cutest, most easy-going baby ever.  

Car naps, lots and lots of car naps.  I don't know what I did to deserve it, but Kaylee would/will transfer so easily to her bed when this happened.  #KnockOnWood #ThankYouJesus #NaptimeIsEverything.
(Kaylee had learned how to slide her clip down, so that's why it's so low if anyone is judging.  We quickly nipped that in the bud)
My friend got married, and it was Beautiful (it was our fourth and final wedding of the season).  Kaylee has been talking about the "Princess Bride" every day since.  I wish I had a better picture of how amazing she looked!
and these were my dates :)
A trip to the strip and a mancini's
We celebrated our anniversary!  Our wedding package included a complimentary stay one year later, and it was amazing and the perfect staycation.  
Because this buttefly crown makes everything better.
**I actually bought a dress from Target, and loved it.  I packed so lightly since I knew what we were doing and what I was wearing.  WELL WHO KNEW THE DRESS WAS ACTUALLY SEE THROUGH!?! We found a boutique where I bought the dress shown above:)
Biking...hope to do more this fall!  
My uncle took this picture of it, and I love it.  Kaylee came so far with swimming this summer.
We are dealing with hands on the hips, constantly.  Do I do that!?! 
pedicures :)
We had to squeeze in one more girls' trip before our littles start school, so Kaylee and I headed to VA.  We had so much fun: going to a park, fountains, shopping, and especially girl time with my favorite mama.  I can't believe how big they all look.

My mother-in-law joined us for a dinner picnic at the park.  We had an awesome spread, and it was one of those coolish days that we were blessed with.  SO.Fun.
annnnnd we ended with celebrating a very special birthday!  Love you mama!

WHEW.  If you're still with me, thanks for reading :).  As if you haven't gotten enough of the Tyler Summer 2016, I'm posting a "Day in the Life" post of our summer before we transition into our fall schedule, next week.  Basically so I can document that Kaylee is getting up before sunrise and future me can see what I survived.  #LOL #ButReally


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