Thursday, February 2, 2017

Pregnancy Round 2

I've been documenting pictures and little things on some weekly pregnancy updates, and how found some other questions to answer about this pregnancy journey.

*I love this saying!  Thank Heaven for little girls, too (:

How did you find out?
We were kind of like let's just see what happens, so it was really exciting when I found out!  I had ordered some tests, and took some early that came out negative, then a few days later, positive :)

What were your symptoms?
The first trimester was everything like I remembered it....I could not wait for it to pass.  Nothing out of the ordinary, but nausea, exhaustion, fatigue, the usual.  I was really, really missing coffee.  Second trimester wasn't as dreamy as with Kaylee, but relatively good, the honeymoon of pregnancy.  The third has been full of heart burn and shortness of breath and being awake in the middle of the night.

How did you pick a name?

We'd kind of had names picked out for either sex, and since he is a boy, this name is close to my heart for it's my maiden name, Griffin (:

What were some of your nursery ideas?

I had no clue! My whole life my dad would tell me stories about how I would drop my two little girls off with him then go shopping with my mom, so for some reason I just always assumed I would have girls!   Kaylee's room is pink, so I thought for girl we would do purple or gold, but for boy I was like, wait, my house is full of pink I don't know how to do this, haha.  We decided on a sports theme.  My mom did so much crafting for it, and we starting working on it last week.  LOVE IT.

What's some of "the bad?"

My heartburn is pretty bad this time.  I remember with Kaylee living on tums, but those don't do anything for me anymore.  I've had to give up red sauces, coffee, red hot, you know, heart burn enemies.  I'm to the point in pregnancy where I could write pages about "the bad" but really I've had an uncomplicated, healthy pregnancy so I'm thankful for that!!

What's some of "the good?"
Ahh, the good!  Feeling those baby kicks and hearing the heartbeat at every visit is so sweet and special.

Favorite thing about pregnancy:

Finding out was so exciting, and as much as I'm ready to be done, the waiting game at the end is exciting too!  This time has been so different and fun in that Kaylee loves talking about her baby brother.

Some things you want your baby to know...

I love you so much already, and your big sister is obsessed with you.  Sorry in advance that you're going to have a bossy older sister, but she is going to love the heck out of you and judge the heck out of your future girlfriends ;)  Your daddy and I think you're so special already, and we can't wait to meet you!

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