Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday.  We have a sick baby girl, so this week feels lonnngggg.  I'm ready for the weekend even though Gerald has to work tomorrow, sigh.  But, IT'S MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY!! I hope all of you are celebrating YOU!  As always, I'm linking up for Friday favorites.
I did a Mother's Day post on Tuesday with some of my favorite gift ideas and memories.  I think I'll like having it to look back to, and it can always be a point of reference for my husband right!?

My favorite girls were in last week!!  We had so much fun with the Kost girls :)

Kelly lent me this book, and I am loving it!  Its as thought-provoking as it is funny!  Here are my two favorite quotes so far:
"A good parent prepares the child for the path, not the path for the child."
"Everything can't be a big deal, because when the big deals happen, we're too worn out to handle them."
-Jen Hatmaker

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo!! I celebrated with my favorite girlfriends, and it was MUCH needed after a tough day with a sick baby!  Any excuse to have margaritas and guacamole is a favorite of mine.

This is more like an, "I hope this is a favorite!"  I'm so excited to see the movie this weekend with my mom and grandma.  I mean with those leading ladies, how couldn't it be awesome!?


My hockey team is KILLING IT!! I was a hockey sister growing up, so I've always loved the game.  The pens are doing great, and it's so fun to have something to watch every couple nights. #PlayoffHockeyIsMyFavorite

Have a fabulous weekend, and all of you moms better be treating yourselves:)


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