Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Yay for another Stranded link up :)  !  Today, we are sharing three books we would take on a stranded island with us.

Here they are:

This...this could be the best 14.72 I ever spend if I ever am made aware that I will be stranded on an island before it actually happens...  I laughed as I typed into google search "surviving on a stranded island book" and I'm already contemplating, like should I buy this just in case!?  I obviously have no idea how useful the tips are, but it looks great to me:)

If I'm stranded, I'll definitely want my bible.  I mean, I may even catch some survival tips!?  This was the no-brainer, must-have book for me.  If I'm stranded with some of you fab women, maybe we can even start a bible study?? So many possibilities!

This is probably my favorite book for SO many reasons.  It's a true story, and it's a book of unbelievable resilience, faith, and perseverance.  It's pretty long, so depending how long my stay is, I feel like it's a book I could continue to read and learn from.  It's historical nonfiction, so if you're into that I recommend this book.  I'd also totally be willing to share if we are stranded together:)

Happy Hump Day:)

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